color analysis benefits

How to wear brown, Sienna and cognac from

Feeling beautiful and confident is a process of understanding and acceptance. Understanding the unique language of your body and features....empowers you with great self-acceptance.

I am a big believer in the power of  coaching and an outside opinion. And am immensely grateful, even  over just this past year, to all the wonderful coaching I have received. Why? Because on our own our selective hearing, hears what we want it to. It is the same with selective viewing...seeing and exagerating the negative. Looking at ourselves and seeing others opinions: whether people,  magazines and films are saying. If you are working from a small budget...and especially then...invest in a great colour consultation and shop in your cupborard or at thrift stores for a while. Why?

1. AHA COLOR MOMENT. Everything starts to makes sense. I gave a workshop on Monday and a woman said..."now I understand...why I love somethings and not others"  Your color language uncovers and identifies hitherto unknown nuances of yourself. And suddenly you can sees. Aha...I like that not because of the shape..but because of the colour. Or that colour won't support me showing up...even though it is beautiful.

2. CONTROL. When you walk into a shop and feel overwhelmed it's because you are missing a language to identify your beauty, strengths and purpose. You may be attracted to a rack of clothing...because it has been wonderfully arrranged and not because it suits you and your purposes. After colour analysis it becomes so much easier to walk away from what really won't work for you. You can take control and are much less susceptable to buying something because it is trending. You will ask yourself the million dollar question...will it work for my coloring, lifestyle and wardrobe.

3. JOY. When you truly understand your can accept that God has made you the way you were supposed to be. If He had wanted you to have high would have it. If He had wanted you to have low would have it. Colour analysis frees you up to love how you were made...and to love how others are made.

4. BASICS. You identify which colours you need as that everything combines. It explains why some outfits are easy to put together and others such a makes a shopping list easier to create. And it becomes clear where you will invest the most money, what your true workhorses are.

5. CREATIVITY. When you know what works it frees you up to experiment and not worry about costly mistakes. Creativity always needs room to experiment...but when you have no idea which colors suit you two things happen. You either stick to a very small range...fearful that other colours might overpower you...or you try everything...and have a very challenging time creating outfits.

Although the dress ifabric is light the pattern and rich colouring supply the visual weight Sandra needs

Although the dress ifabric is light the pattern and rich colouring supply the visual weight Sandra needs

The Singer Sargent paininting of Madame X teaches us the principle of repition. Her dress, the background the furniture all repeat her natural colouring...bringing the focus to her face. This happens to Sandra Bullock in the long brown dress..and warmer jewelry would have made it even more so. Still...she looks like a modern Singer Sargent painting of Madame X...and shares her confidence. The fabric of the patterned long dress is light  her visual depth, but the wonderful rich colours fully support and repeat her colouring.  In the other two outfits..Sandra Bulock remains a beautiful woman...but not supported by her clothing. There is an immediate knowing...when we see an outfit highlights an woman's beauty and strength. We sense a truth and oneness.

Fluency in the your unique color language empowers you to communicate your beauty and a whole new way. 




love your beauty


style inspiration & challenges