creative style expression

Maye Musk

Maye Musk



The day he died, Monet was in bed and called out to his son for his paints and brushes. "I think I almost have it!" he exclaimed...and painted his last work of art. He was full of unpainted paintings...right up to the last moment of his life. This is a burning desire to unleash our innate creativity. It maybe with a brush and paint or it may be with style and colour. It is about allowing yourself to grow, experiment and learn. This desire is a blessing, a reminder that you have fire in your spirit.

A client came to me soon after her 60th birthday wanting to know if she could wear chandelier earrings...or if she was too old for such extravagance. A professionally successful client expressed a deep desire to dress prettily....not edgy, not sexy, not powerful...but wanted to know if she was too old to express pretty. My answer to both women? Absolutely, I said go forth and become who you wish to be! 



your past is a place of reference not a place of residence


To leave the past identify where you want to go. Then plan. Spontaneous shopping won't get you where you want to will be at the mercy of a beautiful manequin display. And quite possibly come how with an item you already possess and are comfortable with. How to get to your unwritten style story...the one you really want to tell? Taking time to reflect on what you want to bring to style life....automatically prepares you to recognize items when you see them.  Shop with a clear goal in mind...don't be tossed about in the wind and enticed by every beautiful display you encounter. Acknowledge in advance that pearl studs are your comfort zone and walk past them to the chandelier earrings! Your planning will pay off...your unwritten style story can be unleashed!

Check out Maye Musk's interview. I love she she admits she is somewhat conservative but lets her stylist encourage her to dare more.  Because unleashing your style desire goes deeper than shopping. It is an urge to creative, to be more alive and more present. For yourself and as a role model for others. so don't dim your light by holding back on how you want to show up. Send a powerful message that you are a passionate women who fearlessly and visibly stands up for what she believes in. And if like Maye you would like support and encouragement....

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your wardrobe concept


confident style requires confident thoughts