simple sophistication

Elsa Peretti

Elsa Peretti



adjective \sə-ˈfis-tə-ˌkā-təd\

: having experience and knowledge about the world and culture, art, literature, etc.

: highly developed and complex


Sophistication hits us...and BOOM, we know we are in its presence. The photo of Shala Monroque draws our eye to the complexity of black textures. Fascinating us by how simply the outfit highlights her. 

Wendy Dagworthy's portrait shows a worldly sophisticated woman. The harmony between hair and jewelry makes her immediately present. And clearly she knows and understands her coloring and how to highlight it. She wears the visual weight of presence and wisdom. Complex tones of her grey hair show up in the complex combination of bracelets. The rest is simple and monotone. Cream or black.

sophisticated complexity is being able to communicate your who you are. simplicity is doing it in one elegant outfit.

Being so fluent in your style language that you can present the complexities of your unique person as an intergrated harmonious whole. Bringing together your hair colouring and weight, body shape and height, eye shape and colouring, skin tone and textures, job requirements and situation, personality and vision. And in one fell swoop...3 seconds or present the world a clear picture of who you are. That takes highly developed and refined skills! Like a tightrope walker who makes it all seem so simple. Yet we are breathtakingly aware...of the fall that is possible.

Christiane Arp

Christiane Arp

Christiane Arp, editor of German Vogue has a simple and sophisticated style language. Complex is the of multitude of pearls cleverly repeating the heaviness of her hair. Simple is the nonchalance of her cream silk blouse. The overall vibe is effortless sophistication. Knowing when to add...when to stop.

Becoming fluent is your own unique style language is invaluable in allowing you to highlight your strengths. So casually or formally, privately or professionally you communicate with intention. On a romantic date or at a crucial presentation...choosing which strength you wish to bring to life. Opening your wardrobe and dressing with purpose. To express the complexity that is simply and sophisticatedly as possible.

Shala Monroque

Shala Monroque

Wendy Dagworthy

Wendy Dagworthy

The Row pre fall 2018

The Row pre fall 2018


get a style vision


casual and formal wardrobe