Style is a Language Blog - tip and insights for a distinct signature style
Wardrobe planning Lisa Pippus Wardrobe planning Lisa Pippus

the secret to a confident wardrobe capsule system

You probably have a super functioning grocery system in place that intuitively starts working the minute you hit the supermarket. First, you head to the dairy section for mozzarella and butter, then over to veggies for carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, followed by the fruit section with grapefruit and bananas. Whatever the specifics of your internal grocery system are, it allows you to zero in…..

Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

dressing for conflict

Two factors influence your communication in conflict situations: 1. how hard you push for your agenda.2. how much attention you give to relationships. These two factors result in 5 different conflict styles: Cooperating, Harmonising, Directing, Avoiding, Compromising. …..

Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

learning from lii edelkoort

I got a mail yesterday from a French client asking if we could have a session on presentation do's and don'ts for her upcoming work in Germany. We have worked together over the past year on her professional style and this will be a chance for her to even more clearly articulate her purpose. Clients come to me for two reasons...some because they want to increase their impact and influence….

Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

introversion and impact

You may be an introverted person needing to communicate with impact. Or possibly a more extroverted person who wants to be present at a particular event but on this day don"t have the energy required to wear bright colors. I am just back from an inspiring Milan trip...and was touched by the Paoli Roversi exhibition at Corso Como 10. It was a poetic collection….

Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

decorative with a purpose

How decorative can you dress for work? How creative can I look? Two questions I am often asked. clients contact me because they want to show upon the most authentic, creative and clear way possible. And often struggle if others are dressed in a much more conservative manner. Yet according to a Boston consulting 2016 report...innovation is the most indeed skill for talents to possess. so how to achieve this with style...the answer is with purpose!
