the importance of 3d style


Style is dress, colour, body language and voice because people see us in 3 D. The more aware we are of our visual and verbal communication style...the more effectively we can impact and influence our audience. Beyond content (which is clearly crucial) it is important to think about the level of energy you wish to bring to a situation. Mixed messages confuse your audience and cause you to lose impact and influence.

Personal branding is about consistency is in style, colour, voice, body language and energy level.

1. COLOR: are you giving a presentation and need to hold the attention of your audience. Or is understated elegance your requirement as you allow others more space? Do you have the energy to wear bright red all day and be on stage for 8 hours? Or do you desire to be in the background observing.

2. STYLE: conservative, dramatic or creative...or a 20/80 combination?

3. BODY LANGUAGE: relaxed...or present and upright. Open or closed? enthusiastic or thoughtful?

4. VOICE: articulated and clear....with an outward energy...or inward and contained?

Check out this article

Benedetta communicates low energy when the interviewer asks how her opinion on the law in Italy banning size zero models. More passion would be convincing for such a hot topic. And while her body language conveys a lack of interest.. her vocabulary show a high level of interest. That is why videoing yourself before any important event is crucial. It is tough sometimes to watch the first video but the rewards  a focused aligned presentation.

Check out this amazing interview with the extraordinary Benedetta. And look at the photos below...which outfit is your favourite on her. And why. Which red dress?


the fascinating world of colour with a purpose


dress like like you mean business