achieving wardrobe wisdom thru moodboards

Moodboards get all your fabulous ideas out of your head and onto paper…structuring your thoughts and training your eye to understand the color, line and shape you are drawn to.

Moodboards get all your fabulous ideas out of your head and onto paper…structuring your thoughts and training your eye to understand the color, line and shape you are drawn to.


creating a
trains your eye

to understand how your inspiration photos that translate into lines, shapes and colors

How to translate Britt Kanja’s golden colors of your moodboard

How to translate Britt Kanja’s golden colors of your moodboard


An actress friend asked me some years back if I didn't get bored working with corporate clients. And if I wouldn't  love to work private clients who are  'creatives'. My answer....all my clients are creatives....whether artist or engineer, manager or musician. They struggle not with a lack of creativity but a lack of structure, a way to sort all the inspirational images floating around in their head. Most women are overwhelmed by the staggering amount of images they encounter, online and in stores. 

Moodboards externalise and sort the inspiration you’re carrying around. As long as it remains inside, it swirls around, making it difficult to decide what works for you and what doesn't, what you need and what not.  The answer is a style framework that sorts all your seemingly random inspiration into a clear, useful and enlightening structure. I’m passionate about connecting helping women connect their style dots because I know what it’s like to struggle: not understanding your unique style language. Getting a style framework and wardrobe concept, even though I initially didn’t call it that, transformed my confidence. When I discovered the unique language that expressed my strengths and personal beauty I embarked on a quest to simplify what I took such a long time to master.

In the late 70's I did a two year fashion diploma in Toronto and loved the knitting machine, drafting patterns, draping and preparing a collection. But felt lost during fashion illustration class because these super long legged slim hipped women were worlds away from my body type. Later I moved to Milan, where I lived for eleven years and at Marangoni and St Paulus encountered a similar situation. Again, I loved the learning, the extra-ordinary craftsmanship but often wondered why I was drawing women so unlike me.

Another move, to Berlin. and here I had an epiphany during my time as a presentation trainer. I got the connection between visual and verbal communication. And discovered that the key to an impactful and influential presentation was the same as successful and authentic personal style. Both started with understand your story, your perspective, the expertise you wanted to share and both ended with a solution. In both cases, authenticity is at the hear of a successful presentation. Not only is there no need to copy someone else…you simply can’t and be successful! How to dig digger into your story? I am passionate about moodboards as a transformational way to externalise all those marvelous ideas floating around in your head. So long as they swirl around in your head they are useless, getting your ideas out and onto paper is the most effective way to structure them.

A good presentation shares your perspective, expertise and solutions. Personal style does the same, externalising your internal story, desires and goals into a wardrobe concept solution.

A moodboard magically reveals your story and perspective.
Training your eye to externalise your internal viewpoint.
A personal foundation for your signature style.

A moodboard magically communicates the colors, line and shapes you are drawn to: creating a powerful and personal foundation for your signature style

A moodboard magically communicates the colors, line and shapes you are drawn to: creating a powerful and personal foundation for your signature style


SELF-AWARENESS of how you visually want to communicate the real you

reveals the brand archetypes that make your heart sing.

reveals the style archetypes that will translate strengths and physical beauty into style language, and trains your eye to become more discerning and fluent in your language..

edits and focuses your color concept on which shades really express who you are and where you are going

If the idea of a wonderful moodboard that bring your strengths to life makes your heart sing, don’t stop here. dig deeper into your story, perspective and above all….


accessorize for visibility


creating modern elegance