Style is a Language Blog - tip and insights for a distinct signature style
Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

decorative with a purpose

How decorative can you dress for work? How creative can I look? Two questions I am often asked. clients contact me because they want to show upon the most authentic, creative and clear way possible. And often struggle if others are dressed in a much more conservative manner. Yet according to a Boston consulting 2016 report...innovation is the most indeed skill for talents to possess. so how to achieve this with style...the answer is with purpose!

Personal Branding Lisa Pippus Personal Branding Lisa Pippus

the importance of 3d style

Style is dress, colour, body language and voice because people see us in 3 D. The more aware we are of our visual and verbal communication style...the more effectively we can impact and influence our audience. Beyond content (which is clearly crucial) it is important to think about the level of energy you wish to bring to a situation.
